Ljeta u Mraclinu

Osnovna škola Mraclin


Borba s plamenom

Prve kontinentalne lubenice od čak 12 kg stižu iz Turopolja

Tek diplomirani agronom Marko Kos (25) nije želio svoju karijeru “graditi” na Zavodu na zapošljavanje, nego je ovog ljeta krenuo u neobični projekt uzgoja prve turopoljske lubenice nedaleko od Velike Gorice. A u tome je i uspio.

Sve se prodalo

− Svi su govorili da nemam šanse nešto tako uzgojiti u kontinentalnim krajevima, ali dokazao sam suprotno – prisjeća se ponosni vlasnik prve kontinentalne plantaže lubenica u selu Mraclin, koja se prostire na tri hektara nekadašnjeg pašnjaka. Sadnja čak 10 tisuća mladih lubenica naručenih iz doline Neretve krenula je krajem proljeća. No ni turopoljske oranice nisu podbacile, pa je težina lubenica na mraclinskoj plantaži u prosjeku iznosila 12 kilograma.

− Imali smo 80 tona uroda, jednu tonu smo podijelili, a ostalo smo prodali veletrgovcima sa zagrebačkog područja. Da smo imali i više, sve bi otišlo. Iduće godine idemo na 5 hektara površine – predviđa mladi agronom koji je potporu za projekt našao u svojoj obitelji te prijateljima, koji su po najvećim ovoljetnim vrućinama zajedno s njim vrijeme provodili na njivi, berući lubenice.

Ovo izrazito zdravo voće, koje sadržava 90 posto vode, pogodno je za bolesnike koji pate od tegoba dišnih puteva, kao i za pušače.

Nizak transportni trošak

− Lubenica čisti organizam, ali i osvježava – kratko je analizirao Stjepan Kos (54), otac mladog poljoprivrednog poduzetnika dok se posljednje lubenice iz Turopolja spremaju na tržište. Prednost uzgoja ovog voća u Turopolju jest nizak transportni trošak, za razliku od lubenica pristiglih iz doline Neretve, Crne Gore ili Makedonije.

– Samo treba raditi, nije lagano, ali ovo je posao od dva i pol mjeseca, sadi se koncem proljeća, a koncem kolovoza bere urod, s čijim prinosom smo bili zadovoljni– ne skriva optimizam Marko Kos poručujući svojim vršnjacima da se ne boje poljoprivrede, nego zavrnu rukave i krenu u akciju.

Izvor: http://www.vecernji.hr/

Tekst tekst tekst tekst tekst tekst tekst tekst

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest assured, the words will expand the concept. With clarity. Conviction. And a little wit.


In today’s competitive market environment, the body copy of your entry must lead the reader through a series of disarmingly simple thoughts.

All your supporting arguments must be communicated with simplicity and charm. And in such a way that the reader will read on. (After all, that’s a reader’s job: to read, isn’t it?) And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy, you will have convinced them that you not only respect their intelligence, but you also understand their needs as consumers.

As a result of which, your entry will repay your efforts. Take your sales; simply put, they will rise. Likewise your credibility. There’s every chance your competitors will wish they’d placed this entry, not you. While your customers will have probably forgotten that your competitors even exist. Which brings us, by a somewhat circuitous route, to another small point, but one which we feel should be raised.

Long copy or short – You decide

As a marketer, you probably don’t even believe in body copy. Let alone long body copy. (Unless you have a long body yourself.) Well, truth is, who‘s to blame you? Fact is, too much long body copy is dotted with such indulgent little phrases like truth is, fact is, and who’s to blame you. Trust us: we guarantee, with a hand over our heart, that no such indulgent rubbish will appear in your entry. That’s why God gave us big blue pencils. So we can expunge every example of witted waffle.

For you, the skies will be blue, the birds will sing, and your copy will be crafted by a dedicated little man whose wife will be sitting at home, knitting, wondering why your entry demands more of her husband‘s time than it should.

But you will know why, won‘t you? You will have given her husband a chance to immortalize himself in print, writing some of the most persuasive prose on behalf of a truly enlightened purveyor of widgets. And so, while your dedicated reader, enslaved to each mellifluous paragraph, clutches his newspaper with increasing interest and intention to purchase, you can count all your increased profits and take pots of money to your bank. Sadly, this is not the real copy for this entry. But it could well be. All you have to do is look at the account executive sitting across your desk (the fellow with the lugubrious face and the calf-like eyes), and say ”Yes! Yes! Yes!“ And anything you want, body copy, dinners, women, will be yours. Couldn’t be fairer than that, could we?

Antun Crnić


Rođen 1942. u Mraclinu. Tamo je i počeo igrati sa 16 godina. Ubrzo se istaknuo kao vrstan strijelac, zahvaljujući svom urođenom smislu za poziciju i dobar udarac. „Volio sam davati golove i mislio sam da je time sve gotovo.“ 10 godina igrao u malim klubovima (Proleteru iz Turopolja i zagrebačkom Jedinstvu). Od 1965. nastupa za zagrebačku Lokomotivu i postaje najbolji strijelac jugoslavenskih drugih liga. Od 1967. do 1970. nastupao za zagrebački Dinamo, ali nije se ustalio u prvoj momčadi. Nastupao je za reprezentaciju Zagreba te amatersku reprezentaciju Jugoslavije. Umro 11. travnja 2012.

Ostali podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 1942.
  • Mjesto rođenja: Mraclin
  • Reprezentacija: Jugoslavija
  • Naslovi s klubom: 1x kup Jugoslavije
 Izvor: http://povijest.gnkdinamo.hr/


Natjecanje Liga Kupovi Europska natjecanja Ukupno
Sezona Nastupi Golovi Nastupi Golovi Nastupi Golovi Nastupi Golovi
1971-1972 8 3 1 1 2 0 11 4
1969-1970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1968-1969 9 7 1 1 0 0 10 8
1967-1968 7 3 0 0 0 0 7 3
Ukupno 24 13 2 2 2 0 28 15

Tekst tekst tekst

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest assured, the words will expand the concept. With clarity. Conviction. And a little wit.


In today’s competitive market environment, the body copy of your entry must lead the reader through a series of disarmingly simple thoughts.

All your supporting arguments must be communicated with simplicity and charm. And in such a way that the reader will read on. (After all, that’s a reader’s job: to read, isn’t it?) And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy, you will have convinced them that you not only respect their intelligence, but you also understand their needs as consumers.